
My INSS Portal experiences instability and is offline

The Meu INSS portal has been offline since the 21st, Sunday, the day on which consultation of the 13th salary statement would be made available. Look.


The Social Security service portal, Meu INSS, has been offline since the 21st, Sunday, the day on which consultation of the 13th salary statement for retirees and pensioners would be made available, with advance payments starting this Thursday, the day may 25th.

Portal Meu INSS offline

Both the website and the Meu INSS app are down. When trying to access the Social Security portal, users receive a message saying “500 Internal Server Error

There is no information about when the problem will be resolved. Therefore, until now, it is not possible to consult the 13th salary statement through Meu INSS. Other services are also currently unavailable.

How do I check my 13th salary through My INSS?

It had been announced by the agency that policyholders and other beneficiaries who receive the first installment of the 13th in May could consult the statement through Meu INSS from the 21st, Sunday.

As the Social Security portal is offline, consultations are not possible at the moment. The Gov.BR portal is also unable to pass on the information, as it sends the query to the Meu INSS servers.

The statement informs the value of the benefit for the month of May together with the value of the 1st installment of the 13th INSS salary.

Anticipation of the 13th of the INSS

The advance installment of the 13th salary of retirees and pensioners will be paid in 2 installments, between May and July, depending on the value of the benefit received.

Later this week, on the 25th, the first installment of the 13th INSS will be paid together with the benefits for the month for those who receive up to ONE minimum wage.

For those who earn ABOVE the minimum wage, payments of the first installment of the 13th start only on June 1st.

The payment of the second installment of the 13th INSS happens together with the benefits paid for the month of June for insured people who receive UP TO a minimum wage, and in the month of July for those who receive ABOVE this amount.

13th salary with higher value

Policyholders will receive a higher amount in the INSS 13th payment in 2023, as the national minimum wage was readjusted following a change in the minimum wage, which occurred on May 1st.

The adjustment to the INSS floor was 1.38%, the same as the minimum wage in 2023, which is why the floor value is also set at R$ 1,320.

Thus, policyholders who receive the minimum benefit will benefit from the anticipation of the 13th installment with installments worth R$ 1,320.

For policyholders who receive ABOVE the floor, there will be no changes to the amount paid for the advance of the 13th, as for this group the values have not changed.

The Government expects that more than 30 million beneficiaries will be covered by advance installments, which represents a value of R$ 62.6 billion.

More news on the portal: ☕ CaféPost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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