Privacy Policy – Café Post 

Revised on April 29, 2024.

Introduction and Overview

Café Post, accessible from, offers a diverse range of content that includes entertainment, news, products and services, as well as links to offers from partner companies.

Our goal is to connect users with the services most relevant to them, ranging from apps and job opportunities to travel experiences and a host of perks.

The protection of our users' personal data is of paramount importance to us. Our Privacy Policy reflects our commitment to the security of user privacy and information. We encourage you to read our Terms of Use in full for a comprehensive understanding of your rights.

For additional questions or more information, we recommend consulting our privacy policy or contacting us via the link

Scope of the Privacy Policy

Café Post acts as a vehicle for promoting content, products and services, covering areas such as entertainment, news and applications. The main objective of the website is promotional in nature, not creating direct contractual links with its users.

Commercial interactions between users and partner advertisers are carried out in environments external to our website. We do not collect or store any user banking or financial data. Our interaction with users is limited to providing information.

If users are approached to provide personal data, it is crucial that they communicate Café Post via the link We do not assume responsibility for fraud attempts carried out by third parties.

About Consent

By using the services offered by Café Post, you automatically express your agreement with our Privacy Policy. Such acceptance is essential for the protection of all parties involved. If there is any objection to our guidelines, we kindly ask you to refrain from using our services.

For a complete understanding of our Policy, it is important that it is evaluated in conjunction with the Terms of Use. Both documents provide details on how Café Post proceeds with the collection, management and protection of data, including aspects related to the operation of the website and interaction with users.

I. Data Collected


Browsing through Café Post does not imply the automatic collection of personal information from users. However, there is the possibility for users to register to access exclusive content, at which point we request personal data such as name, email, telephone number and address.

This collection of information in exclusive sections of the website allows Café Post to provide personalized content, verify the identity of the user, whether an individual or legal entity, and refine its communication strategies.

Additionally, personal information may be collected when users contact Café Post to request information or report problems. This data is then stored with the aim of managing and optimizing the functioning of the website, ensuring efficient communication and the appropriate handling of any issues raised by users.


Café Post automatically collects non-personal data as users browse the website. This collection is carried out through the use of cookies and log files, which are essential for customizing the browsing experience and strategically directing marketing actions.

Log files record a range of activities and technical information, including the user's IP address, the type of browser used, the internet service provider (ISP), date and time stamps, pages visited and the sequence of clicks. This data is critical to analyzing trends, administering the site, tracking users' movement within the site, and gathering broad demographic information for aggregate use.

As for cookies, they are small text files saved on the user's device that make it easier to remember individual preferences, such as language and location settings, as well as allowing the customization of certain settings. They are also used to monitor users' browsing behavior, with the aim of improving the relevance and quality of the content and services offered by Café Post.

Users are free to disable cookies in their browsers if they wish. However, by continuing to use the website, a tacit acceptance of the collection of non-personal information is implied.


Café Post uses users' navigation information to enrich the experience on the website, create content that sparks interest and guide advertising effectively.

In this context, the website uses tools such as Google Analytics, which captures data regarding visiting time and pages viewed by users. This information is crucial for understanding users' interactions with your website and discovering areas that can be improved.

Additionally, Café Post uses cookies from external entities to monitor users' online activities. These cookies, provided by data analysis services such as Google Analytics, facilitate the collection of more specific data about user behavior on the website.

To create content that truly resonates with users' interests, the site analyzes dwell time and pages that have been visited. These analyzes are fundamental to identifying users' interests and developing content that more closely aligns with these preferences.

To personalize advertising, the site uses Google AdSense, which selects ads aligned with users' interests. Cookies play a crucial role here, preventing the same ads from being shown repeatedly.

Advertising is an important source of revenue for the site, as well as contributing to the financing of new developments. The website employs specific cookies for behavioral advertising, with the aim of providing more relevant advertisements to users. These cookies are essential for the website to capture visitors' interests and thus be able to offer more targeted and personalized advertising.

Additionally, the site makes use of affiliate tracking cookies to recognize users who access through a partner. These cookies are essential so that the website can give due credit to its partners for contributing to traffic.

It is important to note that cookies associated with partners are not administered by Café Post. However, users have the option to disable them through their browser settings.

Café Post Cookie Policy

Understand the Purpose of Cookies

The implementation of cookies is a common practice among professional websites, and Café Post follows this trend. These tiny files are sent to your device in order to optimize your browsing experience on our platform.

In this text, we detail what types of data are collected through cookies, how this information is used by us and why the presence of these cookies is essential. In addition, we will explain the ways in which you can prevent cookies from being stored on your device, although this may restrict or impair the performance of certain website functionalities.

Why do we use cookies?

We use cookies for several reasons, which will be explained below. In many circumstances, disabling cookies may significantly affect the functionality and features available on the website. Therefore, it is recommended that cookies are kept active, particularly if you are uncertain about their functionality, as they may be related to services you use.

How to prevent cookies from being set

You have the option of preventing the setting of cookies by adjusting the settings on your internet browser (see the support or help section of your browser for guidance on how to do this). However, it is important to be aware that blocking cookies may affect your browsing experience, not only on this website, but also on other websites you visit. Often, restricting cookies may result in the disabling of certain functionalities and features of the website. Therefore, we recommend caution before deciding to disable cookies.

Categories of cookies we adopt

  • Authentication Cookies: When you create an account on our website, we employ cookies to manage the registration process and general access management. These cookies are usually removed when you log out, but may be kept to remember your website preferences even after you log out.
  • Session Identification Cookies: We use cookies to identify that you have accessed and to facilitate your continued navigation on our portal. This eliminates the need to re-enter when moving through different sections. When logging out, these cookies are deleted or cleared, ensuring that only authenticated users have access to certain areas and features.
  • Cookies for Newsletters: To manage subscription to our newsletter services or email communications, we use cookies that determine whether you have already registered and show relevant messages to subscribers and non-subscribers.
  • Search Analytics Cookies: We provide surveys and polls to gain valuable insights and better understand our users. Cookies are applied to remember your participation in a survey, ensuring consistency of results even when you browse different pages.
  • Form Data Cookies: When you submit data through forms, such as contact or comment pages, we may use cookies to store your information for future interactions.

Personalization Cookies

In order to provide tailored navigation on our website, we enable the definition of your personal preferences. It is essential to use cookies to remember and implement your choices each time you interact with a page that is affected by your settings.

Cookies from External Partners: On certain occasions, we use cookies from trusted third parties. Below, we detail which cookies from external partners can be found in our environment.

  • We employ Google Analytics, one of the most recognized and secure web analytics solutions available, to understand user behavior on our website and discover ways to improve your browsing experience. These cookies track information such as the length of your visit and the pages accessed, providing us with valuable data to optimize our content according to visitors' interests.

To obtain precise information about Google Analytics cookies, it is advisable to consult its official page directly. 

Analytics cookies from external sources are used to observe and evaluate site usage, which allows us to maintain delivery of high-quality content. These cookies collect information such as the length of your visit and which pages you visited, helping us understand how we can improve the experience for you. 

When we implement new features on the site, we use cookies to ensure your experience remains consistent throughout testing, allowing us to discern which updates are most appreciated by visitors. 

Advertising cookies are employed by Google and its affiliates to serve advertisements that match your interests based on your previous visits to our website or others. The goal is to provide advertising that is more in tune with your preferences.

Instructions for Restricting Cookies

You have complete autonomy to restrict or disable cookies from any website, including ours, at any time. This action can be carried out through your internet browser settings. Below, we provide links to the support manuals for the most used browsers, which will provide you with the necessary guidelines for this configuration:

Additionally, if you want to opt out of personalized advertising served by Google, you can adjust your preferences by visiting Google's Ad Settings. To opt out of receiving personalized advertising from other companies, the website offers guidance on how to modify your advertising preferences across different services.

II. Our Approach to Using Your Information

At Café Post, we value the information provided by our users and use it to improve both the experience and effectiveness of our website. This involves adjusting and personalizing the website to better meet the needs and preferences of those who visit us.

Additionally, we examine users' browsing patterns to refine the functionality and content offered. Communicating with users, whether through technical support, updates, or email correspondence, is an essential part of this process. Furthermore, we are always vigilant in preventing any fraudulent activity on the website.

III. Our Dedication to the Security of Your Information

At Café Post, collecting user information is essential to providing a tailored experience and developing new products and services. Although this information may be shared with our partners, we emphasize that we do not sell this data. Users have the right to request removal of their information at any time.

We are seriously committed to protecting your data and adopt the most advanced security practices available in the industry. However, it is important to point out that despite our rigorous efforts, absolute security cannot be completely assured due to the inherently volatile and complex nature of the internet.

IV. How to Exercise Your Rights

1. Your Rights Explored

At Café Post, the collection of your personal information is carried out exclusively for the purposes of providing our services, following principles of justice, legality and with your full consent. We commit to being transparent about the purpose and use of this data.

You are free to choose not to share your personal information with us, but it is important to be aware that doing so may restrict your access to certain services we offer. We guarantee that your personal information will not be disclosed publicly, except where required by legal processes. If you would like Café Post to remove your information from our records, we are happy to accommodate your request by contacting us directly.

2. Data Retention Guidelines

The data we collect is preserved only for the time strictly necessary to deliver the services you requested. We adopt high standard security measures to prevent any form of loss, theft or improper access to your data, in addition to preventing its unauthorized exposure, replication, use or modification.

V. Regulation under the General Data Protection Law (LGPD)

The General Data Protection Law (LGPD) in Brazil establishes a legal framework for the protection of personal data on the internet, giving users the right to access, delete their data and, when they deem necessary, initiate legal actions against entities.

At Café Post, we value transparency and are dedicated to offering all the necessary information clearly, in addition to facilitating processes so that you can exercise your rights guaranteed by the LGPD. We are available to provide direct assistance via our contact page at

SAW. Guidelines for Parents and Guardians

In accordance with the guidelines of the General Data Protection Law (LGPD), Café Post refrains from collecting data from individuals under the age of 18 and encourages parents and guardians to monitor the internet use of children and adolescents.

Recognizing the challenges in determining the age of users, we are committed to immediately deleting any personal data of minors as soon as we become aware of such a situation.

In the event of unintentional collection of information from minors, we encourage parents and guardians to contact us through our contact portal at We are prepared to take the appropriate steps to remove this data.

VII. Updates to Privacy Policy

Café Post maintains the prerogative to refine and update its Privacy Policy, aligning it with technological developments, changes in legislation or changes in our business practices.

We are dedicated to informing our users about any changes in a transparent and direct way. We encourage continued review of our Privacy Policy so that you remain informed about how we protect your personal information. Your continued use of our services after changes to the policy indicates your implicit acceptance of the new conditions.

VIII. How to Contact Us

If you have questions or comments about Café Post's Privacy Policy, would like more information about the handling of your personal data, our information collection and disclosure methods, or would like to express your preferences, please feel free to reach us through our contact page at We are ready to offer all the necessary clarification and support.