
CadÚnico: Government publishes new rules for the exclusion of families; check out

The Federal Ministry of Citizenship updated the criteria for excluding families registered in CadÚnico.


The Federal Ministry of Citizenship updated the exclusion criteria for families registered in the Single Registry. Now responsible for the database that collects information from low-income families, the Citizenship Secretariat published in the Official Gazette the new Decree nº 810, which defines procedures for the operationalization of CadÚnico.

According to the new definitions, the government determined the situations in which the family can be excluded from CadÚnico. There are two ways to exclude:

  • Logical deletion: when the person or family's data is deleted, but remains visible in the national database of the Single Registry in a “deleted” registration status;
  • Physical deletion: when the data of the person or family in the “excluded” registration status are permanently deleted from the CadÚnico database.

According to the decree, the National Secretariat for the Single Registry (SECAD) may exclude individuals and families from the CadÚnico database in the following situations:

  • Outdated records of families whose inclusion or last update was made 48 months or more ago;
  • Registrations with conflicting information, whose families, after the Registration Inquiry procedure, do not comply with the determinations that were established in normative instructions, observing the provisions of MDS ordinance nº 94, of September 4, 2013;
  • Records of people identified as deceased in the CadÚnico data entry and maintenance system(s) operated by the Municipalities and Federal District and whose family members have not completed the registration update within 12 months;
  • Records of individuals and families registered or modified as a result of cyber or digital fraud, based on information reported by representatives of CadÚnico operators;
  • Registrations of families that failed to provide information or provided false information due to proven bad faith, after completing an administrative procedure initiated by bodies or entities that manage CadÚnico programs in accordance with the program's specific regulations.

After 5 years of logical exclusion, SECAD may carry out the physical (final) exclusion of the records of families that have the “excluded” registration status for that period.

Currently, the Single Registry has more than 38 million registered families, representing approximately 89.3 million people (data from August/2022). Between July 16 and August 13, 964,800 families were added to government databases – an average of 34,400 per day.

The demand for registration with CadÚnico grew mainly after the announcement that Auxílio Brasil would increase to R$ 600 by the end of this year. Several service points across the country recorded queues of people looking to register or update their data.

The CadÚnico application has already had more than 4.29 million downloads and approximately 648.9 thousand pre-registrations were carried out through the application. 137.8 thousand (21.2%) of this public completed the process by municipal teams.

Data not updated in CadÚnico can block benefits

In September, the Ministry of Citizenship admitted new families to the Brazil Aid Focusing process. The fine-tooth comb, which has been operating since March this year, invites families that present discrepancies in the income data reported in CadÚnico and other federal government databases.

For some groups, the government set a deadline of the end of September for the family to update the information. From October onwards, applications that still show inconsistencies may have Auxílio Brasil and Vale-Gás suspended for up to 2 months or completely canceled from December onwards.

Consultation with CadÚnico

The Cadastro Único application and website allow the RF (Family Responsible) to consult the CPF to verify the family's data, issue the registration certificate, update the registration by confirmation or see the benefits received by the family.

To consult CadÚnico, Dataprev now requires a Gov.Br login. Therefore, beneficiaries must inform the CPF and password registered in the Federal Government's single login.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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