
Auxílio Brasil: What is the margin on the payroll loan?


On August 12, the government regulated Auxílio Brasil payroll loans. President Bolsonaro and the Minister of Citizenship, Ronaldo Bento, signed a decree in the Official Gazette of the Union (DOU). However, the start of release depends on the promulgation of complementary rules by the Ministry of Citizenship. It is expected to start in September.

Those who receive Auxílio Brasil and other income transfer benefits from the government will be able to take out payroll loans. The government approved the law that allows up to 40% to be deducted from the benefit amount for the payment of loans and financing.

The margin of the Auxílio Brasil consignment

According to the decree, the Ministry of Citizenship can, in the law itself, reduce the maximum limit of the consignable margin, which is set at 40%. Auxílio Brasil may also receive more than one discount on a loan or financing. However, the amount cannot be higher than the amount stipulated by law.

And if the value of the shipments, individually or together with previous shipments, exceeds the legal limit, the installments of older contracts will be reduced. According to the Minister of Citizenship, Ronaldo Bento, the Auxílio Brasil loan operation is scheduled to begin in September.

According to the text approved by Congress, retirees and pensioners of the General Social Security Regime will not be able to exceed the benefit limit of 45%. So, from this total:

  • 35% must be used for loans, financing and leasing; 
  • 5% for operations carried out with a credit card; 
  • 5% for benefits card expenses. 

For workers subject to CLT, the payroll credit limit is 40%:

  • 35% for loans, financing and leasing; 
  • 5% to amortize expenses incurred or used for payroll credit card withdrawal purposes.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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