
INSS Lifetime Review: Who can increase their retirement? Look

Last Thursday, the 1st, the STF approved the INSS Whole Life Review. Now, pensioners and retirees want to know if they will be able to have their benefits readjusted.


Last Thursday, the 1st, the STF approved the INSS Whole Life Review. Now, pensioners and retirees want to know if they will be able to have their benefits readjusted. The path to approval was long at higher levels.

The reason for the Whole Life Review was on November 26, 1999, when the INSS adopted a new rule for calculating benefits, harming those who had higher salaries before July 1994. , when the Real Plan began.

Therefore, in the calculation of retirement benefits, sickness benefits, accident benefits and pensions, the Institute did not include these contributions, thus reducing the amounts paid for social security.

Now, with approval by the STF, in addition to the addition of salaries prior to 1994 to increase the amount received from retirement, it will be possible to receive arrears calculated during the last 5 years, from the date the court process began.

INSS Whole Life Review approved by the STF

Even after the review is approved by the STF, it will not be automatically applied by the INSS. The beneficiary will have to take legal action to request a change in the calculation.

However, pensioners and retirees must pay attention to the expiry period to exercise their rights, which must be 10 years from the month following the start of payment of the first benefit.

What benefits can be reviewed?

The INSS benefits covered by the Whole Life Review are: 

  • Retirement by age; 
  • Retirement by time of contribution; 
  • Special retirement; 
  • Retirement of a person with a disability; 
  • Disability pension; 
  • Death Pension.
  • Accident Assistance

However, there are some conditions required by the INSS to be entitled to a Whole Life Review:

  • Those who started receiving the INSS benefit no more than 10 years and 1 month ago, or have requested a review within that period;
  • Those who started working before 1994 and had benefits granted after November 29, 1999;
  • Those who have higher contributions until July 1994 (comparing subsequent years);
  • Furthermore, it is necessary to carry out calculations with a professional in the field and have a team that specializes in the INSS Whole Life Review to analyze whether the recalculation is advantageous.

What documents are needed to request the INSS Whole Life Review?

The documents required to request the INSS Whole Life Review are:

  • Updated and complete CNIS;
  • Administrative process of the benefit that intends to be reviewed;
  • All Work Cards with registered information;
  • Copy of the administrative process for retirement of deceased people in cases of death pension for a person who was already retired when they died;
  • Letter granting the benefit you wish to review.

With the exception of the Work Card, other documents can be obtained through the Meu Inss website or app, logging in with CPF and password.

It is important to remember that anyone who retired after 2019 will not be able to request a review of their retirement, pensions and calculated benefits, as the new rules defined in the recent Pension Reform have been in force since then.

See more:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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