
Minimum wage will increase again in 2023


Recently, the National Congress approved the Budgetary Guidelines Law for the Next Year. In practice, this decision proposes the minimum wage value for 2023. It is worth remembering that the new value will come into force from January of next year.

Furthermore, the value takes into account data such as the country's GDP and IPCA, which are important for measuring inflation for the period. But will the new minimum wage rise again in 2023? Find out more below.

Will the minimum wage be raised again in 2023? 

Thus, according to the approved text, the new minimum wage will increase from R$ 1,212 to R$ 1,294. This corresponds to an increase of 6.7 compared to the 2022 value. However, this value of the new national floor does not bring real gains for the worker. The adjustment is made only to compensate for the loss in purchase value due to inflation, which has been showing high levels in recent years.

Therefore, the approved value for the 2023 minimum wage is just a projection. The correction may be updated again in the coming months in line with current inflation. But in any case, the federal government is already indicating that with the correction of the minimum wage by the INPC percentage, there will be no real increase for Brazilians.

After all, it is as if the increase in the minimum wage was just to compensate for the purchasing power lost throughout the year. In practice, you cannot buy more things than you have already purchased. Therefore, the minimum wage adjustment will not change much in the lives of Brazilians. Now we have to wait and see if the value will be adjusted further or if it will remain at the current projection.

See too:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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