
Unemployment Insurance: Table of values is readjusted to benefit the worker

Every worker fired without just cause must receive unemployment insurance. See the adjustment of the amounts to be paid.


Every worker dismissed without just cause must receive the unemployment insurance. This is a right guaranteed by the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) regime. The value of unemployment insurance cannot be less than the current minimum wage nor greater than the program ceiling.

How is it based on minimum wage value and the national minimum wage underwent an adjustment at the beginning of 2023, the insurance for employees dismissed without just cause also suffers change. Since the minimum wage has increased, change is positive for workers who need to receive unemployment insurance.

In 2023, the insurance will have minimum value of R$ 1,302 and maximum value of R$ 2,230.97. In addition to the minimum wage, data from the National Consumer Price Index (INPC), which indicates the country's inflation rates each year, is also used as a basis to define the ranges.

Who is entitled to unemployment insurance benefits

  • Workers with a formal contract who were dismissed without just cause;
  • Workers undergoing indirect termination;
  • Workers whose contract is suspended to participate in courses offered by the company;
  • Professional fishermen during the period when fishing is not permitted.

How much does the worker receive in unemployment insurance?

This is probably the question that most haunts workers when they are fired without just cause. O unemployment This sudden situation brings several insecurities for the Brazilian worker, and it is to help in this period of financial instability that unemployment insurance was created.

To find out the amount to which they are entitled during the insurance period, which can be three to five installments, the worker needs, first of all, to identify which salary range they are in. From there, identify below which calculation modality will be used for the determining your unemployment insurance.

  • In the salary range of up to R$ 1,968.36, unemployment insurance is calculated by multiplying the average salary by 0.8;
  • In salary range between R$ 1,928.27 and R$ 3,280.93, the part of the salary that exceeds R$ 1,928.27 is multiplied by 0.5 and added to R$ 1,574.69 to result in unemployment insurance;
  • In salary range above R$ 3,280, unemployment insurance will correspond to R$ 2,230.97.

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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