
Will Auxilio Brasil be entitled to a 13th salary in 2022? Understand

Following the election results on Sunday, October 2, President Jair Bolsonaro announced that he will pay the 13th salary of Auxílio Brasil.


Following the results of the elections last Sunday, October 2, current president Jair Bolsonaro announced that he will pay his 13th salary to help Brazil. The official statement has not yet come out, but the CEO has already announced that he is leaving before the 2nd round of the 2022 elections, as one of the last letters for his re-election.

Bolsonaro announces the 13th salary for Auxílio Brasil

Practically one day after the first round of the 2022 elections, President Jair Bolsonaro announced yet another re-election strategy, the 13th Aid Salary to Brazil. The CEO has not yet said when it will come into force, but the announcement of this change is expected to be made by October 30th, the 2nd round of elections.

Brazil aid currently has more than 20 million beneficiaries and with this new change, the majority of these people will soon receive another contribution. Furthermore, it is worth remembering that the support has an increase in payments of R $200 until the end of the year, that is, there are 5 installments of R $600 in the accounts of families registered in the program.

After finishing the 1st round of the election in second place, with more than 5% less than his rival Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Bolsonaro needs to win votes. In this sense, political scientists already see this proposal to help Brazil as the main way for the current president to get votes for the 2nd round and seek a second term.

Who is entitled to receive the 13th salary from Auxílio Brasil?

First, Auxílio Brasil emerged as a way to replace Bolsa Família, the old federal income transfer program. Even with the new program, the objective remained: to help families in situations of extreme poverty guarantee their basic civil rights.

However, family units in a similar situation are also eligible for support from Brazil. So see who has the right:

  • Families in extreme poverty: family units with a family income per head of up to R$105
  • Families in poverty: family units that have a family income per head between R$105 and R$210, as long as they are pregnant or under 21 years of age.

Furthermore, it is necessary to have an updated unified registry. However, the president informed that the 13th salary of aid to Brazil will be for Brazilian women and heads of families who meet the above conditions. Thus, the candidate plans to reach an audience that still has strong rejection, but is important for the 2nd round.

Calendar will be brought forward in October

Another novelty that the president brought on Monday was the anticipation of normal Brazil aid payments and with this people will receive the R$600 sooner. It is worth remembering that the official calendar predicted the start of payments only on October 25th, but the anticipation brought the processing of deposits to 10/11.

As usual, deposits go into the beneficiaries' Caixa Tem account and from there everyone can check the amounts, make transactions, payments and even loans. Then just wait for the next payments to apply the amounts.

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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