
INSS will block benefits due to suspected fraud; Understand

The INSS published new rules for granting benefits. In case of suspected irregularities, the Government has already defined what the blockade will be like.


The INSS published new rules for granting benefits. In case of suspected irregularities, the Federal Government has already defined how the benefits from the National Social Security Institute will be blocked and suspended.

After being notified by the INSS, the insured must present their defense and documents justifying the right to the benefit within 30 days. If the INSS does not complete the analysis of the process within this period, the payment must be released automatically.

According to the new rule, during the precautionary block, the possibility of appealing to the Social Security Appeals Council is prohibited. 

According to the regulation published in the Official Gazette on September 27, no exemption will be granted if the insured does not present a defense.

The lawyer and president of IBDP (Brazilian Institute of Social Security Law), Adriane Bramante, said that the measure is absurd, as policyholders only know about it when they go to the bank to receive payment.

Suspected fraud in INSS benefits

The objective of the new procedures is to combat major fraud with INSS benefits. It was only in September this year that the Federal Police investigated a suspected million-dollar fraud, which could reach a value of R$ 486 million. The police operation had the support of the INSS and the Brazilian Federation of Banks.

For João Rodrigues da Silva Filho, director of Information Technology at INSS, the institute has been a target of fraud for many years, but lately partnerships with other bodies and institutions have intensified to combat scams.

Irregularities in records

The INSS has been looking for errors in records on policyholders' payrolls. One of the biggest problems that occurs during the scan is that the beneficiary's CPF is not included in the Federal Revenue database, which could be due to a typing error and is easily resolved by the citizen.

What to do if the benefit is blocked?

After being notified, the insured must schedule an appointment at Social Security agencies within 30 days, calling 135 or through the website www.meu.inss.gov.br

The beneficiary must provide the requested documents to correct the system error. This means that the INSS has 30 days to analyze the defense and issue a statement.

If the INSS suspends the benefit, the insured person can appeal to the Appeals Board and the Courts.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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