
What will be the value of Auxílio Brasil over the next few months?


With just a few days left until the September payments of Auxílio Brasil, the value of the benefit is still an issue that confuses many beneficiaries. Since the program began, in November 2021, the monthly amount, which more than 20 million Brazilians receive, has changed several times.

With the prediction that the renaming of the old Bolsa Família to the new Auxílio Brasil would only have an inflationary adjustment, the values jumped from R$ 224 to R$ 600 in a few months.

Brazil aid of R$ 400

From January to July 2022, the average value of Auxílio Brasil rose to R$ 400 per family. Initially expected to be temporary, until December 2022, the additional amount was transformed into permanent after being voted on in the National Congress.

The Brazilian Aid of R$ 400 was announced in December 2021 with the creation of the Extraordinary Benefit. In this way, families that previously received an average amount of R$ 217 began to receive the minimum installment with the adjusted amount.

Brazil aid of R$ 600

In July this year, in view of the electoral polls and the increase in the popularity of President Jair Bolsonaro, the federal government presented to Congress a proposal to increase the average Auxílio Brasil ticket to R$ 600 

For the extra amount of R$ 200 to be possible, the government needed Congressional approval to declare a state of emergency in the country and release R$ 41 billion by the end of the year to boost social programs.

With the approval of the PEC Kamikaze, the Ministry of Citizenship received an extraordinary credit of R$ 26 billion to increase Auxílio Brasil to R$ 600 by the end of 2022 and also clear the waiting list for the benefit. In August, 2.2 million new families were admitted. Another 1.4 million beneficiaries are expected to join the program by the end of this year.

With just a few days left before the first round of elections, Auxílio Brasil, worth R$ 600, became the subject of campaign promises from the main candidates for the presidency of the Republic. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) and Jair Bolsonaro (PL) in recent weeks, promised to maintain the amount for the year 2023 – the PEC approved by the president stipulates that the extra amount ends on December 31, 2022 – even though they did not present sources from which resources will be drawn to maintain the permanent increase in 2023.

Brazil aid of R$ 800

A new value for Auxílio Brasil began to be published in the press. Since last Thursday (8), President Jair Bolsonaro's campaign has been broadcasting on radio and television the payment of Auxílio Brasil in the amount of R$ 800 for beneficiaries who manage to get into a job with a formal contract.

The more than 20 million Brazilians who receive at least R$ 600 in Auxílio Brasil will receive an additional R$ 200 if they start working. It will be R$ 800 plus the salary from the job“, said the candidate. 

The information conveyed in the advertisement caught the attention of beneficiaries, but it is worth clarifying that this benefit is already provided for in the social program.

Beneficiaries who obtain a job with a formal contract can receive Urban or Rural Productive Inclusion Aid of R$ 200, in accordance with the law that governs the program.

Brazil aid in September

The value of Auxílio Brasil in September is R$ 600 for families registered in the social program.

It is possible that the average value is a little higher in some places in Brazil, as happened in August, the average ticket cost R$ 607, but in some cities the value reached the average R$ 703.21 per family.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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