
Amounts Receivable: Central Bank will release R$ 4.6 billion for new phase

A new phase of consultation on the Amounts Receivable system or 'forgotten money' in institutions will soon begin. The Central Bank released a note with the values for release in January.


A new phase of consultation on the Amounts Receivable system or 'forgotten money' in institutions will soon begin. The Central Bank released a note with the values for release in January: R$ 4.6 billion.

The majority of the public, 23.5 million of the total 34.8 million, who have credit to redeem will receive up to R$ 10. Despite this, around 500,000 people and businesses have more than R$ 1,000.00 to withdraw.

The consultation does not yet have an opening date. In November of this year, a Central Bank regulation forced financial institutions to provide the BC with new information on refund amounts, relating to:

  • Prepaid and postpaid payment accounts closed with available funds;
  • Registry accounts maintained by securities brokers and securities dealers for the purpose of recording client transactions closed with available funds;
  • Records of customer operations closed with available resources;
  • Other situations that lead to the reimbursement of amounts recognized by institutions.
  • In other words, in the next stage, the system will include even more ways to recover forgotten resources.

These values will be included in the values already calculated by the BC in 2022. In a note, the BC says that SVR consultations are still temporarily suspended to improve the tool.

Values exceed R$ 4.6 billion

According to the Central Bank, calculations of amounts receivable depend on information sent by banks. Currently, the amount registered for return in the SVR is R$ 4.6 billion, with R$ 3.6 billion for 32 million CPFs and R$ 1 billion for 2 million CNPJs.

Of the total 34.8 million people and companies that can withdraw, 476 thousand have more than R$ 1 thousand to receive. The majority of the public, around 23.5 million people, receive only R$ 10.

See below the values and how many people will be able to review forgotten money in the next consultation phase:

Value rangesBeneficiaries%
Between R$ 0 and R$ 10.0023.588.93068%
Between R$ 10.01 and R$ 1007.940.10023%
Between R$ 100.01 and R$ 1,0002.864.5928%
Above R$ 1,000476.4931%

Institutions have already paid R$ 2.36 billion to 7.2 million individuals and 300 thousand legal entities. Of this total, R$ 321 million were returned via Pix to 3.7 million beneficiaries who clicked directly on the system to request the resources.

Consultation of the Amounts Receivable system

To check whether you have any balance available for redemption, simply use your CPF on the Central Bank website, at https://www.bcb.gov.br/ when the consultation opens.

On April 16, 2022, the Central Bank finalized the last summary for those who could still withdraw the amounts during the 1st phase of the system. In the 2nd phase, new resources will be released.

The Central Bank has not yet announced whether it will reactivate the scheduling system or whether everyone will be able to consult and withdraw funds at the same time, when it reopens. The bank informs that there is no risk of losing the funds, as they will continue to be under the custody of banks and financial institutions, and will be released again when consultation with the Amounts Receivable system resumes.

A strike started by Central Bank employees demanding better working conditions and salary adjustments was the reason for the postponement of the consultation. The system is expected to return in August.

More news on the portal: ☕ CoffeePost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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