
Amounts Receivable: Find out how to withdraw forgotten money

Through the Values Receivable System (SVR), 38 million individuals and 2 million companies must redeem around R$ 6 billion.


The release of withdrawals by the Central Bank (BC) of money forgotten in financial institutions began on Tuesday, 7th. Through the Values Receivable System (SVR), 38 million individuals and 2 million companies must redeem around R$ 6 billion.

The process works as follows: first of all, it is important to consult to find out if you have amounts to receive. Then, you need to request a money transfer, which will happen via Pix.

Amounts Receivable

See below what types of institutions are, and how much they have to return:

  • Banks: R$ 3,187,355,784.83 | beneficiaries to receive: 28.308.773;
  • Consortium administrators: R$ 2,149,913,448.90 | beneficiaries to receive: 8.901.738;
  • Cooperatives: R$ 602,764,641.30 | beneficiaries to receive: 2.437.485;
  • Payment institutions: R$ 96,135,472.69 | beneficiaries to receive: 1.733.340;
  • Financial: R$ 40,286,992.88 | beneficiaries to receive: 3.078.240;
  • Brokers and distributors: R$ 9,464,761.52 | beneficiaries to receive: 11.791;
  • Others: R$ 1,920,882.18 | beneficiaries to receive: 192.

See below the number of beneficiaries per range of amounts to be received:

  • above R$ 1,000.01: 643,105 accounts (1.37% of the total);
  • between R$ 100.01 and R$ 1,000.00: 4,694,862 accounts (10.03% of the total);
  • between R$ 10.01 and R$ 100.00: 12,195,837 accounts (26.05% of the total);
  • between R$ 0.00 and R$ 10.00: 29,282,110 accounts (62,55% of the total).

How to check forgotten money?

First of all, you need to do the first step. To do this, simply:

  • Then choose the type of document CPF or CNPJ;
  • Afterwards, inform your CPF or CNPJ and date of birth;
  • Then tap Consult.
  • On the next page, the system will show whether or not you have amounts to receive. If there are resources to receive, the website will indicate that you should proceed to the SVR.

I have receivables; How do I request a withdrawal?

Once you have confirmed that you have funds to receive, the time has come to find out how to request the withdrawal.

According to the BC, the page works like a ticket purchase website. If there are many simultaneous accesses, you will be redirected to a waiting queue.

  • On the step-by-step screen above, where the BC indicates that you have resources to receive, tap Access SVR;
  • Afterwards, log in with your account Gov.BR;
  • Afterwards, you will be directed to the amount to be received, whether you are an individual or a legal entity;
  • Then, agree to the Acknowledgment Agreement to continue in the system;
  • Once done, check the box and click Confirm;

The following information is displayed on the following screen:

  • Amount receivable;
  • Name and details of the institution that must reimburse the amount;
  • Origin (type) of the amount receivable;
  • Additional information, if applicable.
  • On this page you can request a refund to the financial institution by clicking Request here.
  • Then, select one of your Pix keys and, if desired, enter your personal data. The institution has up to 12 business days to return the amount.

It is important to mention that the button Request here will only appear if the institution has signed an agreement with the Central Bank. If the institution does not have this term, the system will display the amount to be received, and in which institution the resources will be available.

In this case, a message will appear informing the institution's official contact details (email and telephone) so that you can contact them to request a refund.

More news on the portal: ☕ CoffeePost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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