
Amounts Receivable returns in 2023; See when the consultation will open

Launched at the beginning of 2022, the Central Bank's Receivables tool returned a total amount of R$ 2.36 billion over the last year to 7.2 million individuals and 300 thousand legal entities.


Launched at the beginning of 2022, the Central Bank's Amounts Receivable tool returned a total amount of R$ 2.36 billion over the last year to 7.2 million individuals and 300 thousand legal entities and was later suspended so that it could be improved . And since then, Brazilians have been waiting for their return.

And it seems that this should happen at the beginning of 2023, according to information recently released by the Central Bank. 

When will the Receivable Value System return?

The Central Bank has not yet released an exact date for the start of the next phase of the SVR, but this could happen between the first months of 2023, especially taking into account the latest news revealed.

For those who don't remember, in 2022 the tool was launched on February 14th. It is possible that this will happen again.

What the Central Bank says for now is the following:

With no set date for resuming service, the monetary authority is working on improvements to the system, inclusion of new types of values and the deceased data consultation module.

New data incorporated

The latest news released by the Central Bank at the beginning of December is that the system will incorporate new data from institutions from January onwards. Financial institutions need to provide more information to the Central Bank, this time related to the following topics:

  • Prepaid and postpaid payment accounts closed with available funds;
  • Registry accounts maintained by securities brokers and securities dealers for the purpose of recording client transactions closed with available funds;
  • Other situations that lead to the reimbursement of amounts recognized by institutions.

In other words, in the next stage, the system will include even more ways to recover forgotten resources.

This Central Bank requirement was promulgated by Normative Instruction BCB 336. However, institutes can only send this information in January.

Other news

The head of division in the Central Bank's Citizen Service Department, João Paulo Resende Borges, said that one of the improvements implemented is the introduction of a virtual queue for access to the SVR, which will replace the planned access logic (punctual and defined) of the first version of the system.

Another innovation is the dissemination of information about the values ​​of deceased people. With the reopening of the Receivable Values ​​System, the heirs, executors, administrators or legal representatives of the deceased, after accepting a liability agreement, can verify the existence of refundable values ​​in the deceased's assets and know how to redeem them.

Available values

According to the Central Bank, the impact of the total amount that will be available to the population cannot yet be assessed because the calculation depends on the institutions sending new information.

However, currently the stock of return values registered in the SVR is R$ 4.6 billion, of which R$ 3.6 billion is for 32 million CPFs; and 1 billion reais for 2 million CNPJs.

The values are distributed in the ranges:

Value rangesBeneficiaries%
Between R$ 0 and R$ 10.0023.588.93068%
Between R$ 10.01 and R$ 1007.940.10023%
Between R$ 100.01 and R$ 1,0002.864.5928%
Above R$ 1,000476.4931%

Amount that has already been returned

Institutions have already paid R$ 2.36 billion to 7.2 million individuals and 300 thousand legal entities. Of this total, R$ 321 million were returned via Pix to 3.7 million beneficiaries who clicked directly on the system to request the resources. The remainder was reimbursed after the beneficiary contacted the institution in advance by phone, email, agency or other service channels.

This is an important action by the Central Bank for society. This is people's money that has been forgotten in institutions most of the time. These, in turn, had the cost of liquidating those amounts and unsuccessful attempts to contact former customers to reimburse the funds“, concludes João Paulo.

The 2nd phase of the Amounts Receivable system

What is known so far about the second stage is that 10 new types of financial services will be included in the system. Since its introduction, the Receivable Values System (SVR) has been helping Brazilians find amounts that were forgotten in bank accounts and other financial institutions. See the new services:

  • Undue charging of fees not provided for in the Terms of Commitment signed by the bank with the BC; 
  • Installments or commitments relating to credit operations not duly verified and not provided for in the Terms of Commitment signed by the bank with the BC; 
  • Closing prepaid and postpaid payment accounts with available funds; 
  • Registration accounts of securities brokerage companies and securities distributors for recording closed operations of clients with available resources; 
  • Company in extrajudicial liquidation FGC (Credit Guarantee Fund); 
  • FGCoop (Credit Cooperative Guarantee Fund). 

The three new services to be launched in January are:

  • Prepaid and postpaid payment accounts closed with available funds;
  • Recording accounts maintained by securities brokers and securities dealers to record closed customer trades and available credit; 
  • Other situations leading to refunds recognized by institutions.

In the first stage, the tool had five different forgotten value data:

  • Closing a current or savings account with available resources;
  • Fees charged incorrectly, as long as they are provided for in the Terms of Commitment signed by the bank with the Central Bank;
  • Installments or obligations relating to credit operations unduly charged, as long as they are provided for in a commitment signed by the bank with the Central Bank;
  • Capital quotas and apportionment of net surpluses of credit union beneficiaries;
  • Unsought resources from consortium groups that have been terminated.

1st Phase of Amounts Receivable

Those who did not make the inquiry or made the inquiry but did not request the redemption of the amounts at the first opportunity need not worry. When the tool is released, consultations will be available to everyone, and services from the first stage will be included in the second phase.

More news on the portal: ☕ CoffeePost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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