
Solar eclipse will not be visible in Brazil; See how to follow live online

The second and last partial solar eclipse of 2022 will happen in October. During the phenomenon, the Moon obscures part of the Sun's disk, providing a beautiful view.


The second and last partial solar eclipse of 2022 will take place on October 25th. During the phenomenon, the Moon obscures part of the Sun's disk, providing a beautiful view for observers in some regions of Europe, Asia and Africa. Unfortunately it won't be visible in Brazil, but don't be discouraged, as it will be possible to watch the phenomenon in live broadcasts and online.

Solar eclipses occur when the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun and casts its shadow on our planet – therefore, these phenomena only occur during the new moon phase, when the moon passes directly between our planet and the Sun. Depending on the alignment Among the stars, the solar eclipse can be partial, total or annular. In the case of this eclipse, the phenomenon will be partial.

The event starts on the 25th at 5:58 am (Brasília time) and ends around 10:01 am. A portion of the Sun will be visible throughout the eclipse, depending on the observer's location. The central point of the eclipse (the place on Earth where an imaginary line from the center of the Sun and the Moon meets) will be at the North Pole, and the further away from there the less hidden the solar disk will be.

For example, in Russia it will be possible to observe 80% of the solar disk hidden by the Moon; in Finland this number drops to just 62%. In general, the shadow cast by the moon will be in the northern hemisphere, and we will not be able to witness the phenomenon in Brazil. As the Sun and Moon will not be perfectly aligned, the eclipse will not be total anywhere in the world.

How to watch the solar eclipse online?

The partial solar eclipse will not be visible on Brazilian soil, but that doesn't mean you can't follow the event. On the 25th there will be a series of online broadcasts at various times and locations around the world. 

One of them will be made by members of the Virtual Telescope project, transmitting images of the eclipse from Rome, Italy. The live broadcast will begin on the 25th, at 6am, Brasília time and to follow it, just access the Virtual Telescope project website.

Another alternative is to watch the broadcast from the Time and Date website team. The live broadcast starts at 5:30 am Brasília time and can be accessed on the channel Time and Date on Youtube. 

And finally, the Royal Observatory of Greenwich, in the United Kingdom, will broadcast the eclipse with images from the Annie Maunder Astrographic Telescope. The live broadcast will begin at 6:05 am (Brazil time) and will be presented by Jake Foster, the observatory's astronomer. It will be possible to access the broadcast on the channel Royal Observatory Greenwich on Youtube.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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