
Android: 85% of users do not use the latest version of the system

Version 13 of the Android operating system is still far from being one of Google's most popular, according to the company's new survey.


Version 13 of the Android operating system is still far from being one of Google's most popular, according to the company's new survey. According to data revealed in Android Studio, the most recent version of the operating system, released in 2022, is present in only 15% of devices.

According to the research, Android 11 is the most popular system with a record of 23.1% of cell phones on May 30, 2023. In second place comes Android 10, launched in 2019, and present at 17.8% of devices.

Android system fragmentation is a long-standing problem for Google. The OS is developed by the company, but before reaching the majority of devices, the system needs to be screened by manufacturers and telephone operators. The Pixel line (a device officially developed by Google) is the only one to receive updates directly from the company.

As time went by, Google implemented ways to have more control over the operating system itself. One of the most important additions was the growth of the Google Play Services platform, allowing Google to provide entirely new features and updates without relying on any other company.

Another effort by the company is linked to negotiating with mobile device manufacturers. Google negotiated with brands such as Oppo, Xiaomi, One Plus and Samsung in order to guarantee longer support for the most modern devices. However, what has not been promised by the company yet is the agility with which updates are made available.

What is the most used Android system?

According to a survey carried out by Google on May 30, 2023, Android 11 has a 23.1% presence on the market and is the most used version. See the full list below:

  1. Version 11 (23.1%)
  2. Version 10 (17.8%)
  3. Version 12 (16.3%)
  4. Version 13 (15%)
  5. Version 9 (11.9%)
  6. Version 8.1 (6.1%)
  7. Version 8 (2.2%)
  8. Version 6 (2.3%)
  9. Version 7.1 (1.5%)
  10. Version 7 (1.5%)
  11. Version 5.1 (1.5%)
  12. Android 5 (0.3%)
  13. Android 4.4 (0.5%)

Ever-changing margins

However, it is possible to state that version 13 of Android has been growing in popularity consistently since the beginning of 2023. In January of this year, the system was only present on 5% of devices – it therefore tripled its presence in a period of 4 months.

Currently, Android 13 is the latest and most stable version of the operating system, but it is not the latest on devices. Version 14 of Android has been in the experimentation phase for months and, if everything goes as planned, it should be available in September. The availability of the new system is still limited to testers with specific devices, so its presence on the market is very restricted.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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