
Bolsa Família: See the calendar dates for January

Caixa Econômica started the first round of payments under the Bolsa Família program in 2023 on the 18th, Wednesday. In total, more than 21 million should continue to receive it.


Caixa Econômica started the first round of payments under the Bolsa Família program in 2023 on the 18th, Wednesday. In total, more than 21 million families registered with the former Auxílio Brasil until the end of 2022 should continue to receive the benefit worth R$ 600.

With the change of government on January 1st, some changes to income transfer programs were implemented. By signing the MP, Lula confirmed the continuation of the additional installment of R$ 200 monthly of Auxílio Brasil and the full value of Vale-Gás, which will continue to be paid this year.

The government confirmed the return of the Bolsa Família program created under the PT government, but for now only the name should change. The payment schedule follows the same dynamics, with the deposit taking place in the last 10 working days, and the way to join the program remains the same – the selection of families is carried out by CadÚnico (Cadastro Único).

The new thing is that from 2023 Bolsa Família should have an additional installment of R$ 150 for children aged between 0 and 6 years old. Expected for the January payroll, the government announced that the additional installment should only begin payments in March, after the end of the registration review being carried out by the Ministry of Citizenship.

How do I inquire about the benefit?

Families who were already part of Auxílio Brasil or who were on the waiting list can now make an inquiry to find out if they were approved to receive Bolsa Família in January. Despite not yet having an app, the query can be made using the CPF in the Auxílio Brasil app.

The tool allows the family to check the current benefit status, consult statements of previous payments and view the value of the next installment that will be paid.

Another way to check the Bolsa Família payment is through the Caixa Tem App, CadÚnico App or by calling 121 from the Ministry of Citizenship.

Please note that the Bolsa Família consultation is not available through Dataprev. The company only provides verification of data relating to Emergency Aid payments, deposited between the years 2020 and 2021.

Bolsa Família will continue to be deposited in Caixa Tem?

One of the families' doubts is whether Bolsa Família payments will continue to be deposited in Caixa Tem. Previously, beneficiaries were used to receiving payments only at lottery outlets and ATMs with the Bolsa Família Card.

With the change to Auxílio Brasil, the government moved a large part of the deposits to social savings accounts at Caixa Tem, in the same way as happened with Emergency Aid.

Thus, on the date set out in the schedule, families can now transfer funds through the app to pay bills, make purchases and transfer money to other accounts, among other services.

So far, the government has not announced whether there will be a change in the payment system. In other words, families that received Auxílio Brasil through savings at Caixa Tem must continue to receive Bolsa Família in the same digital account. To find out if the amount has already been deposited into the account, simply click on Show Balance or Statement.

Bolsa Família calendar for January

With the Bolsa Família 2023 calendar for January already published, families can consult all payment dates. The first deposit of 2023 began on the 18th, for beneficiaries with final NIS 1 and should continue until January 31st, when beneficiaries with final NIS 0 receive.

The calendar follows the dynamics of previous years, with resources always being released to families on the last 10 working days of each month, with the exception of December. See the Bolsa Família dates for January below:

Final NIS numberPayday
1January 18
2January 19
3January 20th
4January 23rd
5January 24th
6January 25th
7January 26th
8January 27th
9January 30
0January 31st

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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