
Caixa distributes almost 1 million new Auxílio Brasil cards in October

In June this year, Caixa signed an agreement with the Federal Government's Ministry of Citizenship to issue new Auxílio Brasil debit cards.


In June this year, Caixa signed an agreement with the federal government's Ministry of Citizenship to issue new Auxílio Brasil debit cards to beneficiaries who have a Digital Social Savings account.

Distribution batch of new cards

The first batch issued 6.65 million cards, all of which have already been delivered to beneficiaries to make withdrawals, transfers, payments, balance checks and purchases at accredited establishments.

The new Auxílio Brasil card comes with a chip, which makes it easier to use, as well as offering additional security.

A new contract was signed in September to issue new Auxílio Brasil cards to families participating in the program after the approval of the PEC de Benefícios in July 2022. 

Issuance for these new members began on September 28, with the production of 950,000 new social program cards.

Thus, the cards are sent to the addresses indicated in the CadÚnico (Single Registry) created by the City Halls.

Payments of Auxílio Brasil and Vale-Gás in October will be brought forward

Last Monday (3) the Ministry of Citizenship published in the Official Gazette the ordinance anticipating payments of Auxílio Brasil and Auxílio Gás for the month of October. 

In the original calendar, payments began on October 18th for beneficiaries who have final NIS 1 and would continue until the 31st, where the last group of beneficiaries would receive payment.

In total, the amounts will be passed on to 21.1 million families in the month of October, of which 17.2 million are headed by women.

Brazil Aid Schedule brought forward in October

Now, with the anticipation in October, payments begin on the 11th for beneficiaries with final NIS 1, and will continue until the 25th, where the last group of beneficiaries receives the payment.

See below when beneficiaries receive Auxílio Brasil and Vale-Gás in October:

Beneficiaries with final NIS 1: October 11
Beneficiaries with final NIS 2: October 13
Beneficiaries with final NIS 3: October 14
Beneficiaries with final NIS 4: October 17
Beneficiaries with final NIS 5: October 18
Beneficiaries with final NIS 6: October 19
Beneficiaries with final NIS 7: October 20
Beneficiaries with final NIS 8: October 21
Beneficiaries with final NIS 9: October 24
Beneficiaries with final NIS 0: October 25

See more:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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