


FGTS: Only 3 groups will be able to request the birthday withdrawal in 2023; Understand

The groups are one of the few that will still be able to request a change of modality in 2023, after the announcement of the end of the FGTS anniversary withdrawal.



INSS starts paying pensions for those who receive up to R$ 7,507 in February

Payments for the month of January for INSS policyholders who receive more than one salary began to be transferred on February 1st.



Bolsa Família: See the value predicted for the February calendar

Still in the transition period from the old Auxílio Brasil to the new Bolsa Família program, beneficiaries can now consult the calendar for February.



Minha Casa, Minha vida program will be relaunched on February 14th

Starting in February, the Minha Casa Minha Vida program will make its return after being replaced by the Casa Verde e Amarela program.

Bolsa Família: Payment of the additional installment may be limited; Understand

With the payment of the additional Bolsa Família scheduled for March, the Government hopes to finalize the registration process in February.

Uncategorized January 26, 2023

PIS/PASEP 2023: Calendar starts in February; Who will receive it?

In December 2022, the Deliberative Council of the Worker Support Fund approved the PIS/PASEP calendar for 2023.

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Uncategorized January 25, 2023

Will single mothers receive an extra portion of Bolsa Família?

After his return, the Bolsa Família program once again became one of the most discussed topics in Brazil, as Jair Bolsonaro (PL) in his government had replaced the program.

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Uncategorized January 25, 2023

INSS: Contributed value is increased after readjustment in benefits; Look

INSS (National Social Security Institute) policyholders who have a loan in progress should pay attention to the new amounts that will be paid this year.

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Uncategorized January 23, 2023

Minimum wage of R$ 1,320 should not come out before mid-2023, says Government

After meeting with representatives of the trade unions, Lula announced the creation of a working group to deal with the adjustment of the minimum wage.

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Uncategorized January 16, 2023

INSS: STF has already approved the Whole Life Review? Who is entitled?

Many pensioners will soon be able to request the INSS Lifetime Review, a pension recalculation that has already been approved by the STF plenary.

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Uncategorized January 16, 2023

Bolsa Família loan is suspended; What about those who have already taken it?

Last Thursday, the 12th, the president of Caixa Econômica informed that the bank had suspended the granting of Bolsa Família loans.

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