
INSS releases 1.3 billion for payment of Retirement Review in May

The CFJ (Federal Justice Council) has just made resources available for the payment of INSS RPVs processed in April.


The CFJ (Federal Justice Council) has just made resources available for the payment of INSS RPVs (Small Value Requests) processed in April, totaling 113,598 processes and 141,372 beneficiaries.

The amount made available by the Federal Court to the TRFs (Federal Regional Courts) exceeds R$ 1.596 billion. Among the matters, where balances of up to 60 minimum wages are found, there are authorized INSS benefits.

Of this amount, an amount of R$ 1.344 billion was authorized for INSS Social Security and Assistance payments, including reviews of pensions, sickness benefits, pensions and other benefits. There are 64,634 processes with 87,761 beneficiaries.

The Federal Justice Council clarified through a note that it is the responsibility of the TRFs to deposit the released resources, following their own schedule.

Regarding the date on which the resources will be available for withdrawal, the information must be consulted when consulting RPVs on the TRF (Federal Regional Court) portal responsible through the beneficiary's CPF.

How to carry out the consultation?

See below the amounts made available by the Court for the payment of RPVs (Small Value Requests) in each region. The beneficiary can carry out the consultation through the part or through the process on the TRF website in their region:

TRF of the 1st Region (DF, MG, GO, TO, MT, BA, PI, MA, PA, AM, AC, RR, RO and AP)

  • General: R$ 629,508,015.49
  • Social Security/Assistance: R$ 552,201,535.54 (27,492 processes, with 32,134 beneficiaries)

TRF of the 2nd Region (RJ and ES)

  • General: R$ 126,800,410.97
  • Social Security/Assistance: R$ 99,781,058.19 (4,761 processes, with 6,418 beneficiaries)

TRF of the 3rd Region (SP and MS)

  • General: R$ 251,964,783.29
  • Social Security/Assistance: R$ 206,008,349.32 (7,041 processes, with 8,892 beneficiaries)

TRF of the 4th Region (RS, PR and SC)

  • General: R$ 333,030,026.89
  • Social Security/Assistance: R$ 288,724,394.54 (14,444 processes, with 19,045 beneficiaries)

TRF of the 5th Region (PE, CE, AL, SE, RN and PB)

  • General: R$ 255,146,668.96
  • Social Security/Assistance: R$ 197,478,427.83 (10,896 processes, with 17,272 beneficiaries)

What are INSS RPVs?

RPVs (Small Value Requests) are like payments owed by Public Treasury to citizens.

Similar to Precatório, RPVs result from a definitive Judicial decision.

In general, after the judicial procedures, payment must be made within a period of up to 60 days for settlement after the court order is issued and within the limit amount established by law, which is:

  • Up to 30 minimum wages for Municipalities;
  • Up to 40 minimum wages for States; It is
  • Up to 60 minimum wages for the Union.

More news on the portal: ☕ CaféPost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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