
INSS: Will the new government pay the 14th salary in 2023?

The end of the year is always awaited by INSS policyholders due to the payment of their 13th salary. The allowance is traditionally paid in two installments.


The end of the year is always awaited by INSS policyholders due to the payment of their 13th salary. The allowance is traditionally paid in two installments, the first being released in August and the second in November. However, in recent years, this additional amount has been brought forward by the INSS due to the pandemic.

The 13th schedule was brought forward in 2020, during the first year of the pandemic, so that the financial impact on the lives of pensioners and retirees was reduced. The measure was repeated again in 2021 and 2022, when the INSS released 13 between April and June.

It was also due to the pandemic that the bill that provides for the payment of the 14th INSS salary appeared in the Chamber of Deputies. The proposal, authored by deputy Pompeo de Mattos (PDT-RS), provides for the release of a double quota of the allowance for 2020 and 2021 and the project was expected to be approved in 2022.

What is still necessary for the approval of the INSS 14th?

For those waiting to pay the 14th INSS, the scenario is not very positive. With slow processing in the Chamber, PL nº 4367 received a favorable opinion in all the necessary committees, with only the Senate analyzing it for payment to take effect.

However, in June the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), determined that the proposal be forwarded to new committees, including those that had already obtained a favorable opinion.

With the decision, the project for payment of the 14th INSS is back to square one and needs to be analyzed by the CCJC (Constitution, Justice and Citizenship Commission), in addition to CTASP (Labour, Administration and Public Service Commission) and CIDOSO (Commission for the Defense of the Rights of the Elderly).

Will the 14th INSS be paid in 2023?

After explaining the current situation of the project, it is still not possible to say whether the 14th INSS will be paid in 2023. After the last movement of the project in August, there is still a long journey through the National Congress until the final approval of the allowance for the insured.

The transfer of a new bonus is also not part of the elected government's plans so far. The latest news is the retirement and pension payment calendar in 2023.

With the possible approval of the Transition PEC, opening credit in the order of R$ 145 billion for Union spending, there was the expectation that the money needed to pay the 14th would be included in the “cake”. So far, however, the new government has not commented on the matter.

Calendar in 2023 begins with readjustment

INSS policyholders can now consult the calendar scheduled for 2023. The institute released the complete payment calendar on the 8th.

The first installment with a new value for those who receive a minimum wage will be deposited from January 25th. The national floor was set at R$ 1,302 by Jair Bolsonaro with the signature of MP nº 1,143.

For those who earn above the national minimum, the adjusted value must be released by the new government in January, when the INPC (National Consumer Price Index) is released in 2022.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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