
PIS/PASEP: Workers with an error in their salary bonus will only receive it in April

The Ministry of Labor requested that new processing be carried out in the Dataprev system regarding the PIS/PASEP 2021 bonus.


The Ministry of Labor and Employment requested that new processing be carried out in the Dataprev system regarding the PIS/PASEP allowance for the base year 2021. This is because errors occurred in the data of workers impacted by the existence of links (when there is more than one registration in the PIS/ PASEP, for example), or due to some discrepancy in the information declared by the employer in the links with data from the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service (RFB).

These situations arise when information arrives from divergent sources that have irregular data. Thus, the system identifies a correlation between the data and points out that analysis is necessary, as this directly impacts the values to be passed on to workers.

Labor records go through eSocial

Since 2022, both the data from the Annual Social Information List (RAIS) sent by companies and the eSocial declarations have started to be used for payments of the PIS/PASEP allowance.

With this, eSocial became the mandatory source for labor records. This change brought several benefits to processing, such as the identification of discrepancies between links and Brazilian Federal Revenue data, which are resolved using the new system, without the need to correct the data on the part of the employer or employee. The entire process will be done automatically.

Consultation of PIS/PASEP link results

The new processing phase has already begun and results will be available from April 5th. PIS/PASEP transfers must take place between the months of April and July 2023, according to the calendar defined by the Deliberative Council of the Worker Support Fund (Codefat).

For employees who should receive PIS/PASEP in February and March and were impacted by the reprocessing, payment of the bonus will be available from April 17th.

The request must be made by the employee from April 5th through the service channels of the Ministry of Labor and Employment, at the units of the Regional Labor Superintendencies or via email:[email protected] (the acronyms uf must be replaced by the state in which the employee resides).

PIS/PASEP calendar for 2023

The PIS 2023 calendar started on February 15th. The release of values is made following the month of birth of the workers and starts with those born in the months of January and February. Anyone who has an account at Caixa will receive the amounts automatically. The rest will have an account opened at Caixa Tem. Who will receive the amounts? Those who worked with a formal contract in 2021 and received on average up to 2 minimum wages will receive PIS this year. Furthermore, you must be registered with PIS/PASEP for at least 5 years to be entitled to the allowance.

PIS calendar for 2023
Born inReceive from

The PASEP calendar differs slightly from the PIS. In PASEP, payments are made following the beneficiary's final registration number (not the month of birth). The bonus is a benefit granted to workers registered with PASEP for 5 years or more, who have been declared in the employer's RAIS (Annual Social Information List), received an average of up to two minimum wages in the base year 2021 and worked in the minimum 30 days in the base year.

PASEP calendar for 2023
End of registrationReceive from

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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